8 995,00 $
The BB-4® portable fire pump is an ideal unit for remote water transfer, initial attack, sprinkler systems, brush truck and slip-on firefighting systems in forestry and rural fire environments.

High-pressure up to 440 PSI (30 bar) is provided to operate very long hose lays and overcome pressure losses due to large elevation changes often encountered in rugged wildland fire operations.

The higher power provided by the Briggs & Stratton 23 HP engine makes it ideal for pumping at high altitudes.

A unique feature of the BB-4® pump is the quick release pump end that is inter-changeable with our MARK-3® pump. This standardization allows for in-field pump end exchanges eliminating long equipment down time and greatly reduces the inventory of parts at equipment service shops.
Disponibilité: Date de livraison confirmée sur commande

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