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WATERAX offers of a complete line of high performance pump ends suited to meet the most difficult water handling requirements. The performance and dependabilityof our pumps come from our superior multi-stage pump end design, patentend in 1958, that provides unrivaled pressure and volume.
Unique blister resistant mechanical rotary seal to prolong pump end longevity.
Maintenance-free sealed bearing to avoid the need for greasing the pump end in the field.
The WATERAX B2X pump end is optimal for moving large volumes of water. It can be instantly coupled to a BB-4 engine with the same coupling system. This practical versatility reduces overall inventory requirements, carrying weight capacity, and pump downtime in the field. It is the ideal pump end for high volume remote watering, high volume brush truck and Slip-On units, for municipal pumping operations, and as for uphill tandem pumping operations. Lire la suite
WATERAX offers of a complete line of high performance pump ends suited to meet the most difficult water handling requirements. The performance and dependabilityof our pumps come from our superior multi-stage pump end design, patentend in 1958, that provides unrivaled pressure and volume.
Unique blister resistant mechanical rotary seal to prolong pump end longevity.
Maintenance-free sealed bearing to avoid the need for greasing the pump end in the field.
WATERAX offers of a complete line of high performance pump ends suited to meet the most difficult water handling requirements. The performance and dependabilityof our pumps come from our superior multi-stage pump end design, patentend in 1958, that provides unrivaled pressure and volume.
Unique blister resistant mechanical rotary seal to prolong pump end longevity.
Maintenance-free sealed bearing to avoid the need for greasing the pump end in the field.